Chikara Major Arcana XIII


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US ONLY- if you live outside the US and wish to purchase, please send me a DM or email.

The first installment of the Chikara Major Arcana Tarot set- thirteen cards to start off your collection. Available to purchase individually as well as in a full set. If purchasing individual cards, please make sure to indicate in your order note which designs you would like. These cards are currently open for PREORDER, shipping mid to late August depending on demand.

0 The Fool // Chuck Taylor
I The Magician // UltraMantis Black
II The High Priestess // Swamp Monster
VI The Lovers // Fire Ant & Soldier Ant
VII Strength // Mr. Azerbaijan & Boar
IX The Hermit // Hallowicked
XI Justice // Hallowicked
XII The Hanged Man // Orange Cassidy
XIV Temperance // Green Ant
XVI The Tower // Soldier Ant, redux
XIX The Sun // Fire Ant
XX Judgement // Frightmare
XXI The World // Chuck Taylor as Swamp Monster

Full color, printed front and back, rounded corners. Full set tied in a red ribbon. 4.5" by 7.25".